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The Oakleigh Forest

Did you know that Oakleigh Watches was inspired by the strength and integrity of an actual Oak tree in my garden?


I often get asked about the name and the logo and I can’t mention either without acknowledging Felix who designed the logo for me at the tender age of 14.


Clearly, I love trees and as part of Oakleigh’s commitment to reducing its corporate carbon footprint, we have joined forces with an innovative new initiative called Ecologi and will now be planting 25 trees for every watch that our customers buy. I’m not physically planting them myself, (that might be above and beyond) but through a neat little widget on our website we automatically donate the funds every time a customer buys a watch. Rather wonderfully, every customer will get showcased in our Oakleigh Forest on our Ecologi profile page. You can see the species of tree you’ve helped to fund and where in the world they will be planted.


Since the beginning of 2022 we have already raised enough funds to plant over 19,500 trees.


A little bit of Ecologi background ….

Ecologi work with a range of tree planting partners who responsibly plant millions of trees a month on their community’s behalf. For the sceptics amongst you, we’ve done our due diligence and 85% of the money that we donate goes towards the planting of trees.


The initiative started with a cup of take away coffee when the Co-founder and CEO Elliot Coad asked himself – “how much climate action could I fund with the cost of my daily cup of coffee?”


The answer led to a revelation – that the pocket change that billions of us have, would not only be a significant upgrade to our own personal contributions to the crisis, but could also one day account for reducing half of the world’s emissions.


Small Change = Big Difference

Trees are the best tool to keeping the world’s temperature from rising above 1.5C and crucial in preventing ecological collapse. I’m personally over the moon at the impact this simple gesture can have towards tackling the climate crisis.


Ecologi offer lots of great ways to help save the planet including offsetting your carbon footprint, monthly donations to fund conservation projects and making meaningful gifts. They also encourage businesses and individuals to set sustainability goals and Oakleigh Watches will be using recyclable packaging and offsetting the carbon on all our shipments.


Get Involved

Please visit our Ecologi profile page and have a mooch around to see how it all works. Even better, join us on our mission. By using our referral link, Ecologi will plant another 30 trees in the Oakleigh Forest and you’ll be making a sustainable step in the right direction!


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